Monday, April 13, 2009

We`re gonna get to it!!!

We haven`t forgotten about this blog. We will be doing our recap and update as soon as I get a rain day or two at work. Gail says that she would do it but having three kids plus a busy two year old takes up most of her day. I think she`s referring to me as one of the three but I`m not sure :-). Till next time, Gail,Craig,Collin,Tory and Briley.


The McEacherns said...

Good, because I'm excited to see what a difference a few months has made for Briley! Looking forward to pictures! (hint hint) Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am delurking to say....Having just gotten home from Russia with the newest addition to your family it is perfectly understandable that you've haven't had a chance to update your wonderful blog! Please take your time!
God Bless your family and take care!

Kathy and Matt said...

Sounds like all is going well. Can't wait to hear more!

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog through Ukrainian Angels website and can't wait to see the pictures of Briley in US!